A pair of well-worn boots rest at the entrance of the venue. These boots are similar to the relationship between a sponsor and an event. At the beginning of the relationship, they resemble the potential for your brand’s impact. Once the relationship is developed, the boots will be filled with life that will walk them down the path and help your brand leave a lasting footprint.

Make a Statement

Boots are meant to be walked in and shown off to the world. They are a statement to your wardrobe, and in this case, they are a statement for your brand. Each footstep in these boots will leave a trail in the ground for everyone to see. 

Without the spark of life, time passes, the event takes place, and these boots are immobile. Underneath the weight of potential, the soles sink into the ground, creating a single pair of stationary footprints.  They are waiting to take that first step and imprint on the competitors and spectators present.  

Carry on Connections

Let us be the life and direction your boots are waiting for. By working with Carry on Connections, the event becomes an amplifier for your company. Your boots engage with the riders and leave a trail of footprints up and down the barn aisle. Your boots travel to the arenas, where your products are in the spotlight. They walk amongst the spectators, leaving a lasting impression in their minds. And finally, bring the relationship full circle with the event organizers and managers.

And once that event passes, those boots no longer fill a single footprint but create a web of footprints throughout the event for all to see and for all to follow.

Categories: Lifestlye